A Lack Of Professionalism May Be Just One Of The Reasons Lindsay Lohan Was Blacklisted From Hollywoo

July 2024 · 8 minute read


Most millennials can remember growing up watching Lindsay Lohan on Disney Channel as a child star in movies like The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. But, like many other child stars who didn't successfully transition into the film industry as adults, she has struggled to maintain her acting prowess in Hollywood, and much of it seems to be her fault.

Her status as one of the biggest stars of her generation changed for the worse as she became known as a hardcore party girl. Her lifestyle began to take its toll on the Hollywood starlet as she became undisciplined in her acting projects, and began showing a great deal of unprofessionalism. However, a lack of professionalism may only be just one reason why she was blacklisted from Hollywood.

6 How Did Lindsay Lohan Lack Of Professionalism In Hollywood Affect Her Career?

Total Number of Movie Appearances: 26

Success, especially for a young, rising acting talent like Lindsay Lohan, came with its fair share of celebration. And she took full advantage of those celebratory moments by going clubbing and partying and, not before long, she was known as the hottest party girl on the planet. The beautiful, freckled, redhead has made headlines more than a few times for her drinking and partying problem. According to People, as far back as 2006, she was blasted for being "irresponsible and unprofessional" by Morgan Creek Production CEO, James G. Robinson.

Lindsay Lohan May Have Ruined Her Music Career During One Disastrous Performance

At the height of Lindsay Lohan's acting success, her attempt to create a music career went awry after a huge misstep embarrassed her.

Robinson said in the letter that Lindsay Lohan called in sick multiple times while on the set of her movie Georgia Rule. Lohan said that her absences were due to her "not feeling well," which later changed to "heat exhaustion." However, it was reported that she was briefly hospitalized for being "overheated and dehydrated" after she was seen at a nightclub the night before. Mr. Robinson also threatened legal action against Lohan, stating that her "actions have resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage." But, despite the evidence proving otherwise, a close source of Lohan's said that, "She hasn't been crazy partying... I've never seen her so together."

5 Does Lindsay Lohan Have A History Of Being Late Or Absent On Set?

Total Earnings from Movies: $28 million

Years after the incident in 2006, it appears that Lindsay Lohan didn't learn her lesson in developing a respectable work ethic. In 2010, Lohan was scheduled to do a stint on Season 3 of the comedy-drama television series, Glee. This was supposed to be a simple, one-time appearance on the show where she would play the role of herself. But, apparently, she played that role a bit too well by continuing to arrive late on set. According to Nicki Swift, an inside source told E-News that she was a "total nightmare" and that she would arrive "three hours late in the morning."

But the Mean Girls star actress didn't stop there, as her tardiness only seemed to continue with the progression of her acting career. The report continued to highlight her lack of professionalism when she appeared in a 2013 episode of Charlie Sheen's Anger Management sitcom.

During an interview with Jay Leno, Sheen had this to say about his experience working with Lohan, "Day one, she was fabulous. She was on time; she knew her lines... made is look off our game... Then we had to deal with day two... She was late, what can I say? But she got to the shoot prepared with an excuse." And you can rest assured that her habit of tardiness persisted despite her many chances.

4 Does Lindsay Lohan Have A History Of Theft?

Current Net Worth: $2 million

One would think that an internationally known actress like Lindsay Lohan, who was once worth $30 million, would be able to afford everything she needs and more. But, according to ABC News, she may have been avoided by Hollywood because of another bad habit - stealing. In May 2008, she was accused of stealing a fur coat from another attendee at a party. Later that same week, a model accused her of stealing $15,000 worth of clothing from her on the set of Scary Movie 5. Lohan starkly denied the allegations sent against her.

Lindsay Lohan Confirmed The List Of Celebrities She Was Intimate With On Watch What Happens Live

Before Lindsay Lohan got married, she confirmed that she was intimate with several male celebrities.

However, as the years passed by, Lindsay Lohan's theft allegations continued. In 2009, she visited the showroom of jewelry designer Arielle de Pinto, where she "borrowed" several pieces of jewelry for a photo shoot. The designer label took her credit card information as insurance that she would return the jewelry, but she allegedly never returned the jewelry and then canceled her credit card before it could be charged. Here is a list of all the other times Lohan has been accused of stealing other people's property, according to Nicki Swift:

Item Allegedly Stolen

Item Cost

Year of Alleged Theft

Rolex Watch






Rolex Watches and other Jewelry



Rolex, clothes, and jewelry



3 Has Lindsay Lohan Produced A String Of Box Office Bombs?

Worst Ranked Movie by Rotten Tomatoes: InAPPropriate Comedy

When Lindsay Lohan first came out as a young actress in the 1998 romantic comedy, The Parent Trap, she hit the ground running. Against a budget of $15 million, the film grossed over $92 million, which isn't bad for her debut role. After that, 2003's Freaky Friday grossed $160.8 million worldwide, which remains her highest-grossing film, according to The Richest. Keep in mind that she was only 16 at the time it was released. It's been over twenty years since then, and she's yet to produce a movie that exceeds that figure.

Following that, Lindsay Lohan produced other successful films, which made their budget money back at the box office. This is a list of the few films starring Lohan that were box-office successes:

The films that followed where Lindsay Lohan played the lead role were all critical flops and box office bombs. Movies like Bobby (2006), Just My Luck (2007), Georgia Rule (2007), I Know Who Killed Me (2007), and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) all barely broke even at the box office or weren't even close. Hollywood is in the business of making money, so any actor with a record of repeated flopped movies is a liability.

2 Has Lindsay Lohan Committed Other Criminal Offenses?

Longest Court Sentence: 120 days on house arrest

As if being accused of theft multiple times wasn't bad enough, Lindsay Lohan's rap sheet could rival her acting resume with the number of charges she's racked up over the course of her career. Taken from another Nicki Swift article, Lohan has been "officially" arrested seven times between 2007 and 2013. It's unclear whether her life outside the film business was more exciting than her career as an actress, but it sure appears that way.

Among some of the arrests that were made, Lindsay Lohan was lucky enough to post bail or have the charges dropped. But, as you know, it takes quite a while for her to learn her lesson. Here are a few times the Get a Clue actress got arrested and the consequences she faced:

Date of Arrest

Charges Filed

Result of Arrest

July 24th, 2007

DUI, Possession of cocaine, Driving on a suspended license

1 day in jail/10 days community service, 3 years' probation

May 20th, 2010

Arrest warrant issued for skipping arrest date

Released on $100,000 bail

January 22nd, 2011

Misdemeanor grand theft charges for stealing $2,500 necklace while in Venice, California

Released on $40,000 bail

September 19, 2012

Arrested and charged with fleeing the scene of a car accident.

Insufficient evidence

1 Lindsay Lohan's History Makes Her Hard To Insure

Most Recent Movie Release: Our Little Secret (2024)

Despite making many attempts to redeem herself as an actress, Lindsay Lohan's reputation on the set of movies will forever follow her. She's been blasted one too many times for either not showing up to work for days or consistently being late. The world now knows it was due to her past struggles with addiction and the law, which doesn't exactly give talent agencies any incentive to want to work with her.

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An anonymous talent agency owner explained to ABC News why Lindsay Lohan was deemed unemployable, "Say you're going to make a $5 million movie, and you're hiring Lindsay Lohan as the lead. Right away, you have insurance should she fall, break a leg or get injured. But to know that she has this history... What if she doesn't come to work for three days, and you have to pay $300,000 to keep the set going?" Simply put, talent agencies view the Life-Size actress as a risky investment, with a much higher probability of loss than gain.
